The Revenue Tab gives you a quick view of the Loyalsnap Assisted Revenue for your Studio. You can view the Loyalsnap Assisted Revenue for your Studio from the past 45 days, 90 days, Year to Date and Lifetime with Loyalsnap. You have the ability to export this report as a .csv file.
Loyalsnap Assisted Revenue
Total: Total Revenue attributed to Loyalsnap if a client makes a purchase (online or in-studio) within 30 days of opening a Loyalsnap email containing an offer, including both Autopay pricing options and Packages/Classpack pricing options. A client may purchase a pricing option other than the one being promoted in the email or text they received
Autopay: Autopay Revenue attributed to Loyalsnap if a client makes a purchase of an Autopay pricing option (online or in-studio) within 30 days of opening a Loyalsnap email containing an offer. A client may purchase a pricing option other than the one being promoted in the email or text they received
Classpacks: Package/Classpack Revenue attributed to Loyalsnap if a client makes a purchase of an Autopay pricing option (online or in-studio) within 30 days of opening a Loyalsnap email containing an offer. A client may purchase a pricing option other than the one being promoted in the email or text they received
Revenue Breakdown
The revenue breakdown will display the amount of Loyalsnap Assisted Revenue by pricing option purchased by recaptured clients.
Pricing Option Breakdown
You have the option to click into individual sold pricing options to see the breakdown of re-captured clients who have purchased them.
- Name: Client’s name
- Email: Client’s email
- Date: Client’s purchase date
- Revenue to date: Loyalsnap Assisted Revenue since recaptured-client has repurchased
- Average number of Payments: Based on the length of time for the pricing option, Loyalsnap will calculate the number of payments the client will be making
- Estimated Future Revenue: The future revenue from this client based on the number of payments that their pricing option requires.